budget 1 fence marketing

Fencing contractors are marketing themselves more effectively

When we went to the Fencing Industry Trade Show, Fence Tech, we were told that over the years the Fencing industry has not changed all that much. There might be new materials and machinery introduced but for the most part you install fencing the same way it always has been done. So when we brought 1-888-FENCING there we got a lot of questions and piqued a whole lot of peoples’ curiosity.

We wanted to show the industry that there is a better way to sell fencing by using 1-888-FENCING. We had several people sign up and they have enjoyed significantly more calls and referrals because they chose to use a truly unforgettable marketing phone number. One of our clients told us that they saw a 13 to 1 return from 1-888-FENCING.

Here are some examples of our clients using 1-888-FENCING to dominate their markets.


budget 1 fence marketing

Fence Sign

McGee - 2015 Billboard

1-888-FENCING - McGee Trailer
budget1 fence building


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